Dear Friends,
Resolutions, anyone? Resolutions broken, anyone? Yep, for me every year. But I’m
still going to make resolutions again this year. Why? Because God has faith in me.
This Christmas season I’ve thought a great deal about the two-sided relationship
that we have with God. I love God—God loves me. OK, that is not new! But what
about trust? I trust God– God trusts me. Wow, that’s a biggie. I often don’t feel
worthy of that trust. If you doubt, then think about this. God the Father trusted us
to care for God the Son as a tiny defenseless baby. The Father didn’t keep the Son
safe in heaven. The Father sent his Son to live and be with us. The Father trusted us
with a baby, a child, a man, a movement, and then eventually his whole universal
God gives us everything we need to be wise and prayerful leaders. God gives us the
three-legged stool of Scripture, Tradition and Reason to form and guide his church.
Let’s do it! God has faith in you to keep going, keep improving, and when we break
those resolutions, let’s make them again!
With wishes for a Happy New Year!
Mo. Bonnie Morris+